woensdag 10 oktober 2007

Digital Music Rules of the Road for Artists

Here is an useful list for success in the immediate future:

- Utilize MySpace and other websites to its full potential and don’t be afraid to “give your music away for free”. If one million people listen to your songs online, don’t see it as you just lost 1 million dollars in potential sales. See it as you just got radioplay in 100 markets.

- You have to learn new ways of viral marketing, including widgets and blog search engines and don’t be afraid to experiment with putting your music in new places and contexts.

- Look at what the most progressive record labels are doing with their artists, like Canadian Nettwerk and Barenaked Ladies and try to copy it.

- If you play a live gig, make sure people know about it. It may seem like a no-brainer, but it isn’t always. I don’t know how many good shows I have missed just because I didn’t know about it. Do all you can to get in Flavorpill and other online publications. Send emails to everyone you know and make sure everyone that shows up signs your email list.

- Press vinyl copies. This might be the last thing you think about doing, but DJs love vinyl and so do music lovers. Press a few copies and distribute them to your favorite DJs, clubs and critics.

- Don’t sign a record deal. This may seem like a weird suggestion, but stay indie as long as possible. You want to make sure the odds are in your favor when you finally sign with a big label or it can be a blessing in disguise.

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